Causative Classification System for Ischemic Stroke (CCS)


Causative Classification of Ischemic Stroke, CCS, is an automated version of the SSS-TOAST system, which is an evidence-based system that harmonizes multiple aspects of the diagnostic stroke evaluation in a regularized manner to devise the most likely mechanism in the presence of multiple potential causes. It has been developed to maximize inter-examiner reliability in stroke classification while utilizing the full diagnostic data set from a typical “stroke work-up”. The automated CCS system limits inter-examiner variability in interpretation of stroke-related characteristics, ensures consistency in data entry, and thereby, further adds in SSS-TOAST's reliability in etiologic stroke classification.

The CCS system uses standard computer languages used for content distribution and user interaction through the Internet: HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. It uses JavaScript to handle the logic-check part of the application (input error checking, automatic disabling and enabling of dependent elements, automatic checking and un-checking of dependent elements, and the calculation of the resulting classification including a description of the decision for a particular subtype). Pop-up windows are used to guide users by providing additional information about the content. The application could be run as client-side application only or as client-server application, which allows integration into a database to keep track of multiple entries and to perform statistical analyses.

The CCS offers subtype information in two different formats: the causative subtype and phenotypic subtype. Identification of the causative subtype requires integration of multiple aspects of ischemic stroke evaluation including symptom characteristics, vascular risk factors, diagnostic test results, response to treatment, and prognosis. In other words, designation of the causative subtype requires a decision-making process. For instance, the diagnosis of small vessel occlusion requires not only the presence of a lacunar infarct in a clinically relevant location but also exclusion of conditions such as dissection, atherosclerosis, vasculitis, or vasospasm of the parent artery at the origin of the penetrating artery. Phenotypic subtypes, on the other hand, are a documentation of abnormal test findings. The process of phenotypic subtyping does not require any judgment on the part of the clinician-investigator. For instance, in a patient with a lacunar infarction in the pons, multiple stereotypic lacunar TIAs during the preceding days, patent foramen ovale, and moderate to severe stenosis in the origin of one of the vertebral arteries, causative CCS subtype is “probable small vessel occlusion”, whereas phenotypic subtype is “large artery atherosclerosis + lacunar infarction + cardiac embolism”. The CCS contains four phenotypic subtypes (large artery atherosclerosis, cardiac embolism, lacunar infarction, other uncommon causes). There are four possible states for large artery atherosclerosis and cardioembolism (major, minor, absent, incomplete evaluation), three for lacunar infarction (major, absent, incomplete evaluation), and two for “other uncommon causes” group (major, absent). The last category (other uncommon causes) does not include incomplete evaluation because there is no standard minimum diagnostic evaluation for diverse array of stroke etiologies included in this category. Overall, the CCS system offers 96 phenotypic combinations.

The CCS system classifies stroke etiology in 5 major causative categories: Supra-aortic large artery atherosclerosis, cardio-aortic embolism, small artery occlusion, other uncommon causes, and undetermined causes. The undetermined group is further divided into 4 subcategories as cryptogenic-embolism, unknown, incomplete evaluation, and unclassified groups. Some of the important criteria used in causative subtype assignment in the CCS system are listed below:

  1. Each etiologic category in the CCS system is subdivided as “evident”, “probable”, or “possible” based on the weight of available evidence.
  2. A mechanism is deemed to be “evident” only if it is the sole potential mechanism that carries an established risk for stroke.
  3. A mechanism is classified as “possible” if it is associated with either low or uncertain risk for stroke and there is no “evident” cause of stroke.
  4. The distinction between “evident” and “possible” mechanisms is made by using a 2% annual or one-time primary stroke risk threshold. The 2% primary risk criterion applies to all subtypes for which there is primary risk data. Additional criteria used to define evident and possible mechanisms are summarized in the Table.
  5. When there is more than one “evident” stroke mechanism, the CCS system regularizes assignment to a “probable” stroke mechanism based upon the presence of specific characteristics of the stroke that make one mechanism more probable than the others. Probable features are defined using the following criteria:
    1. The positive likelihood ratio (defined as the probability that a person with a given stroke subtype will have a particular clinical or imaging feature divided by the probability that a person with no such mechanism will have the same clinical or imaging features) is used to describe the strength of associations among clinical and imaging features and particular stroke mechanisms. Features with a positive likelihood ratio of greater than a cut-off of 2 qualify a stroke mechanism as probable. These features are: 1) For supra-aortic large artery atherosclerosis: a) prior history of one or more transient monocular blindness, TIA, or stroke in the territory of index atherosclerotic artery within the last month, b) internal watershed infarction, c) multiple, temporally separate infarcts exclusively within the territory of the stenotic artery. 2) For cardio-aortic embolism: a) history of systemic embolism, b) multiple acute infarctions in both anterior circulations or in both anterior and posterior circulation. 3) For small artery disease: a) stereotypic lacunar TIAs within the last week, b) presentation with a lacunar syndrome, c) typical lacunar infarct in a relevant brain location.
    2. The presence of a temporal relationship between an etiology and the onset of stroke qualifies the etiology as the probable mechanism. Examples include stroke following cardiac or vascular surgery, acute myocardial infarction, arterial dissection, and the use of certain drugs.
    3. The presence of a spatial relationship between brain infarct and its vascular or cardiac cause qualifies the etiology as probable. Examples include multiple infarcts in both hemispheres at the setting of proximal cardiac or aortic sources, and a focal pathology in the parent artery at the origin of the penetrating artery supplying the territory of a lacunar infarct.
  6. The category of “other uncommon causes” includes patients with a diverse array of stroke mechanisms. The CCS system regularizes other causes into two groups with respect to their temporal and spatial relationship with brain infarct.
    1. “Other uncommon causes” that bear clear and close temporal or spatial relationship include: acute arterial dissection, cerebral vasculitis, cerebral venous thrombosis, acute disseminated intravascular coagulation, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II, hypoperfusion syndromes, iatrogenic causes, thrombosed intracranial aneurysm, meningitis, primary infection of the arterial wall, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura - hemolytic uremic syndrome, Moyamoya disease, and segmental vasoconstriction or vasospasm. When disorders in this category coexist with another evident cause (for which there is no probable criterion), the CCS assigns the subtype as “probable other”. For example, the CCS subtype will be “probable other” in a patient with atrial fibrillation and cerebral vasculitis.
    2. “Other uncommon causes” that do not bear clear and close temporal or spatial relationship are chronic arterial dissection, fibromuscular dysplasia, cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, hyperviscosity syndromes, MELAS, primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, sickle cell disease, Sneddon`s syndrome, abnormalities of thrombosis and hemostasis, and other causes. When disorders in this category coexist with another evident cause (for which there is no probable criterion), the CCS assigns the subtype as “undetermined unclassified.” For example, in a patient with carotid territory stroke, Sneddon`s syndrome, and ipsilateral carotid stenosis >50%, the CCS subtype will be “undetermined unclassified”.
  7. There are 2 disorders in the category of “other uncommon causes” that are considered as diagnosis of exclusion. These are “drug-induced” and “migraine-related” stroke. They do not influence subtype assignments in the presence of another attributable cause. For example, in a patient with history of cocaine use and left atrial myxoma, the CCS subtype assignment will be evident cardio-aortic embolism.
  8. The term “multiple acute ischemic lesions” in data entry field-2d includes any combination of acute infarct, perfusion defect, and non-chronic clinically-relevant abrupt arterial occlusion. For example, a patient with an acute infarct in the right MCA territory and a region of abnormal perfusion in the left MCA territory is considered to have multiple acute ischemic lesions. Other examples include abrupt occlusion (cut-off) in the left PCA and acute infarct in the right MCA territory or abrupt occlusion in the left MCA and hypoperfusion in the right superior cerebellar artery territory. Multiple chronic infarcts do not qualify for data entry field 2d.
  9. The CCS requires identification of “clinically relevant artery” in several data entry fields. Clinically relevant artery is defined as the artery that supplies the territory where the infarct or ischemia has occurred. For example, occlusion or severe stenosis of right internal carotid artery in a patient with an absent left A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery can cause multiple infarcts in both right and left hemispheres. In this circumstance, the right internal carotid artery is the clinically-relevant artery for all of the infarcts.
  10. The CCS system is constructed on a basic level of etiologic investigations. These include imaging of the brain, imaging of the vessels, cardiac evaluation, and specific blood and CSF tests based on the level of suspect from a particular cause. Each investigation is specific for one particular subtype: “Brain imaging” is for evident small artery occlusion, “vascular imaging” for evident large artery atherosclerosis, and “cardiac evaluation” for evident cardio-aortic embolism. Failure to perform etiologic investigations in the absence of positive test results for any particular etiology is considered “incomplete evaluation”. Failure to investigate for an etiology in the presence of its probable criteria is also considered to be “incomplete evaluation”. For instance, in a patient with atrial fibrillation and unilateral internal watershed infarcts (probable criterion for large artery atherosclerosis) but no angiographic evaluation, the CCS classification will be “incomplete evaluation”.
  11. The CCS system tones down the level of confidence from “evident” to “probable” or from “evident” to “possible” if etiologic investigations are stopped (or not done) when a positive test result is obtained based on potential importance of the missing test result on subtype assignment. Some of the formulations used for this in the CCS include:
    1. Input: X evident (>50% stenosis in the ipsilateral internal carotid artery) + Y incomplete evaluation (no cardiac evaluation)
      Output = X possible (“possible” supra-aortic large artery atherosclerosis)
    2. Input: X evident (>50% stenosis in the ipsilateral internal carotid artery) + X probable (ipsilateral internal watershed infarcts) + Y incomplete evaluation (no cardiac evaluation)
      Output: X probable (“probable” supra-aortic large artery atherosclerosis)
  12. The CCS software allows the entry of high- or low-risk cardiac sources based on clinical assessment, EKG, or cardiac examination even when it is the clinical judgment that cardiac evaluation is incomplete because of the absence of echocardiography. In other words, the system requires echocardiography (or other more advanced cardiac investigations) only when there is clinical suspicion of cardiac embolism and if clinical history, cardiac examination, and EKG do not reveal a source. For instance, echocardiography is not a prerequisite for stroke subtyping in a patient with atrial fibrillation diagnosed by EKG or a patient with prior history of rheumatic mitral valve stenosis. The CCS allows classification of such patients with known sources of cardiac embolism into relevant subtypes regardless of the expert opinion for the need for echocardiography.
  13. Complex aortic atheroma (CAA) is grouped under “large artery atherosclerosis” in the phenotypic classification, and “cardio-aortic embolism” in the causative classification. Inclusion of CAA in the cardiac category in the causative classification provides the system the ability to avoid considering large artery atherosclerosis as the evident mechanism when there are simultaneous acute infarcts in multiple circulations or concurrent systemic embolism (as aorta could be the source) as well as to prevent considering all proximal sources of multiple emboli as cardiac when indeed the aorta cannot be ruled out as the source. The CCS provides the flexibility to classify complex aortic arch atheroma as an independent subset in the database function of the system so that it can also be categorized with large artery atherosclerosis when needed.

CCS classification criteria to determine etiologic subtypes of acute ischemic stroke

Stroke Mechanism Level of Confidence Criteria
Large artery atherosclerosis Evident
  1. Either occlusive, or stenotic (≥50% diameter reduction or <50% diameter reduction with plaque ulceration or thrombosis or plaque with ≤50% diameter reduction that is seated at the site of the origin of the penetrating artery supplying the region of an acute lacunar infarct) vascular disease judged to be due to atherosclerosis in the clinically-relevant extracranial or intracranial arteries, and
  2. The absence of acute infarction in vascular territories other than the stenotic or occluded artery
  1. Prior history of one or more transient monocular blindness (TMB), TIA, or stroke from the territory of index artery affected by atherosclerosis within the month preceding the index stroke, or
  2. Evidence of thrombosis, near-occlusive stenosis or non-chronic complete occlusion judged to be due to atherosclerosis in the clinically-relevant extracranial or intracranial arteries (except for the vertebral arteries), or
  3. The presence of ipsilateral and unilateral acute internal watershed infarctions or multiple, temporally separate infarctions exclusively within the territory of the affected artery
  1. The presence of an atherosclerotic plaque protruding into the lumen and causing mild stenosis (<50%) in the absence of any detectable plaque ulceration or thrombosis in a clinically-relevant extracranial or intracranial artery and prior history of two or more TMB, TIA, or stroke from the territory of index artery affected by atherosclerosis, at least one event within the last month
Cardio-aortic embolism Evident
  1. The presence of a high risk cardiac source of cerebral embolism
  1. Evidence of systemic embolism, or
  2. The presence of multiple acute infarctions that have occurred closely-related in time within both right and left anterior or both anterior and posterior circulations in the absence of non-embolic occlusion or near occlusive stenosis of all relevant vessels. Other diseases that can cause multifocal ischemic brain injury such as vasculitides, vasculopathies, and haemostatic or hemodynamic disturbances must not be present
  1. The presence of a cardiac condition with low or uncertain primary risk of cerebral embolism
Small artery occlusion Evident
  1. Imaging evidence of a single and clinically relevant acute infarction less than 20 mm in greatest diameter within the territory of basal or brainstem penetrating arteries in the absence of any focal pathology in the parent artery at the site of the origin of the penetrating artery (focal atheroma, parent vessel dissection, vasculitis, vasospasm, etc.), or
  1. The presence of stereotypic lacunar transient ischemic attacks within the last week, or
  2. The presence of a lacunar syndrome
  1. Presenting with a classical lacunar syndrome in the absence of imaging that is sensitive enough to detect small infarctions
Other uncommon causes Evident
  1. The presence of a specific disease process that involves clinically-appropriate brain arteries
  1. A specific disease process that has occurred in clear and close temporal or spatial relationship to the onset of brain infarction such as arterial dissection, cardiac or arterial surgery, and cardiovascular interventions
  1. Evidence for an evident other cause in the absence of complete diagnostic investigation for mechanisms listed above.
Undetermined causes Unknown Cryptogenic embolism:
  1. Angiographic evidence of abrupt cut-off consistent with a blood clot within otherwise angiographically normal looking intracranial arteries, or
  2. Imaging evidence of complete recanalization of previously occluded artery, or
  3. The presence of multiple acute infarctions that have occurred closely-related in time without detectable abnormality in the relevant vessels
Other cryptogenic: Those not fulfilling the criteria for cryptogenic embolism
Incomplete evaluation: The absence of diagnostic tests that, up to the examiner`s judgment, their presence would have been essential to uncover the underlying etiology
Unclassified The presence of more than one possible or evident mechanism where there is either probable evidence for each, or no probable evidence to be able to establish a single cause

Automatic enabling and disabling features in the CCS system

  1. Brain imaging is required to detect the presence or absence of brain infarction (2a and 2b)
  2. Brain imaging is required to detect a single acute infarct within the territory of penetrating arteries (2a and 2c)
  3. Brain imaging is required to detect multiple acute ischemic lesions (2a and 2d)
  4. Brain imaging is required to detect unilateral and ipsilateral internal watershed infarcts (2a and 2e)
  5. Brain imaging is required to detect multiple temporally separate infarcts (2a and 2f)
  6. Brain imaging cannot be negative if there is imaging evidence of single acute infarct within the territory of penetrating arteries (2b and 2c)
  7. Brain imaging cannot be negative if there is imaging evidence of multiple acute ischemic lesions (2b and 2d)
  8. Brain imaging cannot be negative if there is imaging evidence of unilateral and ipsilateral internal watershed infarcts (2b and 2e)
  9. Brain imaging cannot be negative if there is imaging evidence of multiple temporally separate infarcts (2b and 2f)
  10. A positive brain imaging study is required to determine whether abrupt cut-off in an artery is relevant to an infarct (2b and 3e)
  11. A positive brain imaging study is required to determine whether the recanalized artery is relevant to an infarct (2b and 3f)
  12. A small infarct within the territory of a penetrating artery is not classified as a lacunar infarct if there are coexisting acute infarcts in other locations (2c and 2d)
  13. A small infarct within the territory of a penetrating artery is not classified as a lacunar infarct if there are coexisting acute infarcts in the ipsilateral internal watershed zone (2c and 2e)
  14. A small infarct within the territory of a penetrating artery is not classified as a lacunar infarct if there is angiographic evidence of embolism to the parent artery (2c and 3e)
  15. A small infarct within the territory of a penetrating artery is not classified as a lacunar infarct if there is angiographic evidence of recanalization of an initially occluded parent artery (2c and 3f)
  16. Vascular imaging is required to detect the presence or absence of a mild stenosis (3a and 3d)
  17. Vascular imaging is required to detect abrupt cut-off within an otherwise normal looking artery (3a and 3e)
  18. Vascular imaging is required to detect recanalization of an initially occluded artery (3a and 3f)
  19. An atherosclerotic stenosis is classified either mild or severe with respect to a 50% threshold (3b and 3d)
  20. An atherosclerotic lesion in clinically relevant artery cannot qualify for near-occlusive stenosis (or non-chronic complete occlusion) and mild stenosis at the same time (3c and 3d)
  21. Brain imaging is required for the diagnosis of drug-induced stroke in order to rule out other potential causes (2a and 5f)
  22. Vascular imaging is required for the diagnosis of drug-induced stroke in order to rule out other potential causes (3a and 5f)
  23. Cardiac evaluation is required for the diagnosis of drug-induced stroke in order to rule out cardiac causes (4a and 5f)
  24. Brain imaging is required for the diagnosis of migraine-related stroke in order to rule out other potential causes (2a and 5p)
  25. Vascular imaging is required for the diagnosis of migraine-related stroke in order to rule out other potential causes (3a and 5p)
  26. Cardiac evaluation is required for the diagnosis of migraine-related stroke in order to rule out cardiac causes (4a and 5p)
  27. Drug-induced stroke is a diagnosis of exclusion. It cannot be assigned as the responsible mechanism in the presence of other mechanisms (5f and 5a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x)
  28. Migraine-related stroke is diagnosis of exclusion. It cannot be assigned as the responsible mechanism in the presence of other mechanisms (5p and 5a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x)
  29. Item 3b is automatically checked when there is near-occlusive stenosis or occlusion (3c)
  30. Item 1a is automatically checked when there are prior clinical ischemic events (3d)
  31. Items 4cii and 4ciii are automatically checked when there are atrial septal aneurysm and patent foramen ovale (4civ)

Designed and developed by

A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA

Stroke Service, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA


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